“Miltiades” Youth Centre
The “Miltiades” Youth Centre was established in 1987. It took its name from the community’s hero, Miltiades Stilianou. The point of creating the youth centre was to keep the young in the village, offering to them a healthy pastime during their free time.
In the context of its activities, the youth centre organises artistic programs for the cultural events that take place in the community. All the artistic programs of Easter celebration events, of the National commemoration day for the hero Miltiades Stilianou, and of the “Locust festival” are the result of the group work that the youth centre does.
In the context of its social contribution, the youth centre organises blood donations, planting of trees, and fund raisers.
Mr. Andreas Stavrinides is the Chairman of the youth centre and Mr. Michales Makres the secretary.
The “Miltiades Youth Centre Football Club” was established in 1987. The purpose of the establishment of the football team was the occupation of the young with the sport of football. The team plays in the rural championship. It aims to be promoted to the 4th league. Several rural league cups are in its possession to date

Women’s Tale Cultural Workshop